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Templates are an experimental feature and therefore subject to change outside of major version releases.

Templates are a way to define new Bento components (similar to plugins) that are implemented by generating a Bento config snippet from pre-defined parameter fields. This is useful when a common pattern of Bento configuration is used but with varying parameters each time.

A template is defined in a YAML file that can be imported when Bento runs using the flag -t:

bento -t "./templates/*.yaml" -c ./config.yaml

The template describes the type of the component and configuration fields that can be used to customize it, followed by a Bloblang mapping that translates an object containing those fields into a bento config structure. This allows you to use logic to generate more complex configurations:

name: aws_sqs_list
type: input

- name: urls
type: string
kind: list
- name: region
type: string
default: us-east-1

mapping: | = this.urls.map_each(url -> {
"aws_sqs": {
"url": url,
"region": this.region,

You can see more examples of templates at


The schema of a template file is as follows:


The name of the component this template will create.

Type: string


The type of the component this template will create.

Type: string
Options: cache, input, output, processor, rate_limit.


The stability of the template describing the likelihood that the configuration spec of the template, or it's behaviour, will change.

Type: string
Default: "stable"

stableThis template is stable and will therefore not change in a breaking way outside of major version releases.
betaThis template is beta and will therefore not change in a breaking way unless a major problem is found.
experimentalThis template is experimental and therefore subject to breaking changes outside of major version releases.


An optional list of tags, which are used for arbitrarily grouping components in documentation.

Type: list of string
Default: []


A short summary of the component.

Type: string
Default: ""


A longer form description of the component and how to use it.

Type: string
Default: ""


The configuration fields of the template, fields specified here will be parsed from a Bento config and will be accessible from the template mapping.

Type: list of object


The name of the field.

Type: string


A description of the field.

Type: string
Default: ""


The scalar type of the field.

Type: string

stringstandard string type
intstandard integer type
floatstandard float type
boola boolean true/false
unknownallows for nesting arbitrary configuration inside of a field


The kind of the field.

Type: string
Default: "scalar"
Options: scalar, map, list.


An optional default value for the field. If a default value is not specified then a configuration without the field is considered incorrect.

Type: unknown


Whether this field is considered advanced.

Type: bool
Default: false


A Bloblang mapping that translates the fields of the template into a valid Bento configuration for the target component type.

Type: string


An optional Bloblang mapping that allows you to rename or prevent certain metrics paths from being exported. For more information check out the metrics documentation. When metric paths are created, renamed and dropped a trace log is written, enabling TRACE level logging is therefore a good way to diagnose path mappings.

Invocations of this mapping are able to reference a variable $label in order to obtain the value of the label provided to the template config. This allows you to match labels with the root of the config.

Type: string
Default: ""

# Examples

metrics_mapping: this.replace("input", "source").replace("output", "sink")

metrics_mapping: |-
root = if ![
].contains(this) { deleted() }


Optional unit test definitions for the template that verify certain configurations produce valid configs. These tests are executed with the command bento template lint.

Type: list of object
Default: []


A name to identify the test.

Type: string


A configuration to run this test with, the config resulting from applying the template with this config will be linted.

Type: object


An optional configuration describing the expected result of applying the template, when specified the result will be diffed and any mismatching fields will be reported as a test error.

Type: object