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This component is mostly stable but breaking changes could still be made outside of major version releases if a fundamental problem with the component is found.

Writes files to an SFTP server.

Introduced in version 1.0.0.

# Config fields, showing default values
label: ""
address: "" # No default (required)
path: "" # No default (required)
codec: all-bytes
username: ""
password: ""
private_key_file: ""
private_key_pass: ""
max_in_flight: 64

In order to have a different path for each object you should use function interpolations described here.


This output benefits from sending multiple messages in flight in parallel for improved performance. You can tune the max number of in flight messages (or message batches) with the field max_in_flight.



The address of the server to connect to.

Type: string


The file to save the messages to on the server. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string


The way in which the bytes of messages should be written out into the output data stream. It's possible to write lines using a custom delimiter with the delim:x codec, where x is the character sequence custom delimiter.

Type: string
Default: "all-bytes"

all-bytesOnly applicable to file based outputs. Writes each message to a file in full, if the file already exists the old content is deleted.
appendAppend each message to the output stream without any delimiter or special encoding.
delim:xAppend each message to the output stream followed by a custom delimiter.
linesAppend each message to the output stream followed by a line break.
# Examples

codec: lines

codec: "delim:\t"

codec: delim:foobar


The credentials to use to log into the target server.

Type: object


The username to connect to the SFTP server.

Type: string
Default: ""


The password for the username to connect to the SFTP server.


This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn't be added to a config directly, read our secrets page for more info.

Type: string
Default: ""


The private key for the username to connect to the SFTP server.

Type: string
Default: ""


Optional passphrase for private key.


This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn't be added to a config directly, read our secrets page for more info.

Type: string
Default: ""


The maximum number of messages to have in flight at a given time. Increase this to improve throughput.

Type: int
Default: 64